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    be composed of Beispielsätze

    be composed of

    1. The staff of a modern army should be composed of officers who have been qualified by an exhaustive course in the staff college

    2. A mountain, for example, might be composed of boulders, composed of

    3. Although the image our mind interprets appears to be composed of

    4. They may not be composed of the same people, but they share a common mind

    5. UFOs can be seen to be composed of

    6. tenuous plasma in the Earth system would therefore be composed of partial y ionized plasmas of heavy

    7. to assume that they would be composed of only one type of particle There is

    8. The creature might be composed of terrestrial matter, but it shook his very soul to look upon it, and he doubted the power of man-made weapons to harm it

    9. Still an hour away from missile range, the formation appeared to be composed of larger ships than before which lead them to believe that these ships had crews

    10. Racehorses can cost millions of dollars and are often purchased by syndicates, which may be composed of thousands of members

    11. sphere (not even empty space), though it could be composed of bubble-shaped local

    12. These colonies throughout space and time would be composed of what we'd call aliens or

    13. In this alternative, the backup wouldn’t be composed of

    14. fermion and boson would also be composed of the

    15. also be composed of the 3 spatial dimensions, the

    16. Then each fermion and boson would also be composed of the 3 spatial

    17. The value proposition can be composed of many elements

    18. How useful you are to yourself, to others, to all living things, and ultimately to the universe that you are a part-of… so there is no paradoxical conflicts involved in being useful to all these things is what your actual usefulness should be composed of

    19. directly characterize and be composed of the Seven Spirits of God

    20. Heaven will be composed of spiritual substance for more spectacular

    21. Finding this to be composed of all the colours of the rainbow as seen in the solar spectrum, and that all the effects nature produced are done with different proportions of these colours, they took them, or the nearest pigments they could get to them, for their palette, eliminating the earth colours and black

    22. Heaven will be composed of spiritual substance for more spectacular than any earthly substance, even more spectacular than gold

    23. The chief difficulty attending the belief in the reconstitution of the body is occasioned by supposing that the New Testament requires us to think that it will be composed of the same atoms in number and weight which have entered into its structure during the present life

    24. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote

    25. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature

    26. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote

    27. It should be composed of past and be historic; be composed of future and be sympathetic

    28. As a result of this, prisoners of the second category were no longer sent there; this class was, for the future, to be composed of prisoners who were regarded as still on the military footing, that is to say, men who, in spite of sentence, did not forfeit for ever their civic status

    29. The population of every new country must necessarily be composed of a heterogeneous mixture of various tempers, characters, and interests

    30. If you annex West Florida to the State to be composed of the Orleans Territory, they will then possess a narrow slip of the country, including nearly the whole of the seacoast of Orleans, (including the bay of Mobile,) with a most extensive up-country, composed of a great part of the Mississippi Territory, and, I may say, Tennessee, wholly dependent on them, perhaps, for leave to go out into the bay, and, certainly, for the improvement of its navigation

    31. For the want of a better name I must call it a "lusus naturæ;" for it is neither clay-slate nor mica-slate, nor shale, nor sandstone; but appears to be composed of them all

    32. The magnesite in which these crystals are found, appears to be composed of carbonate of magnesia, steatite, and talc, disintegrating readily upon exposure to air and moisture: it effervesces considerably in sulphuric acid, forming a very bitter fluid that soon exhibits crystals, indicating that magnesia enters in large proportion into its constitution

    33. Some of these strata appear to be composed of blended crystals of this kind

    34. I have already given a decided opinion that a declaration of war is not to be expected; but, contrary to all reasonable calculation, should the Congress possess spirit and independence enough to place their popularity in jeopardy by so strong a measure, the Legislature of Massachusetts will give the tone to the neighboring States, will declare itself permanent until a new election of members, invite a Congress, to be composed of delegates from the Federal States, and erect a separate government for their common defence and common interest

    35. By the first clause of the 6th section of the act it is provided "that the House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected every second year, by the people of the said Territory, to serve for two years

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